Gates of Heaven

I said, ''Yes, sir.''
And he started crying.
I asked him, ''What's wrong?''
He said, ''Last night my dog died.''

He says, ''I want to bury him this morning.''
And his famiIy was home,
and they were going to go to church.

But he had him compIeteIy wrapped.
Like a mummy, pretty near.
I wouId then get the pet out of his car...
Iay him out in the driveway,
and proceed to cIean him up...

brush him out, make him
as presentabIe as possibIe.

We had aII kinds of animaIs.
I mean, every type of animaI.

We had snakes, rats, monkeys, chickens...
hamsters, mice. Seen a few.
Rodents of aII types.
And we had, of course, dogs.
Cats were our main pets.
But it doesn't make any difference
what type of animaI.

You Iove it.
And you want to give it a proper buriaI.
That's your business.
You bury that pet because you Iove it.

You couId have...
the idea that aII animaIs shouId be buried.
But if you Iive over here,
or 5 or 10 miIes away...

and you have a horse,
and that horse dies on a Saturday...

and it's 102 degrees,
and you can't get anybody to bury it...

you're going to get a hoId
of the rendering company reaI fast.
