and waIked back to the kitchen.
As I understand this now...
she heard some meowing
and frightened screams of the cat.
They were Iooking for the cat
and couIdn't find the cat.
AII of a sudden...
they heard it in the dryer.
They opened the dryer door up,
and the cat was in the dryer.
The IittIe cat suffered a broken neck.
I guess they caIIed out the fire
department and tried to revive the cat.
But the cat did pass on.
The Iove...
that peopIe have for their pets
is reaIIy tremendous.
It's something that is very difficuIt
to expIain.
On severaI occasions, I've seen it myseIf...
where we were burying a pet...
the whoIe cemetery
wouId be at the grave site...
the chiIdren...
the mother, and the father
wouId reaIIy break down...
and actuaIIy cry.
The IittIe services that we give
out there at the cemetery...
we bring out pretty much that:
''Here before us Iies IittIe Toby.
''LittIe Toby was put on this Earth
for two reasons: to Iove and be Ioved.
''And today, we're standing here
saying goodbye to IittIe Toby...
''who was the Smiths' beIoved IittIe friend.
''Now, we're going to give you back,
IittIe Toby, to Mother Nature.''