We toId them we took it out
to a pet cemetery and buried it.
Because peopIe just didn't want
to get.... PeopIe got chiIIed up.
What happened to that animaI?
What happened to that eIephant?
Where's the eIephant? Every once in a
whiIe, they'II Iose a giraffe at the zoo...
or they'II Iose Big Bertha,
or Joe Bear or whatever his name is.
And I mean, peopIe say,
''Hey, what's going on here?''
We better bury this
and get a pIot and everything.
So we have a standing deaI with the zoo.
They don't teII them where the animaI went.
Because they don't want to be
in the burying business.
When I came here,
and seen this ugIy crisis...
these gas chambers
that they got buiIt down here...
and these pets haIf-dead
going into the dump grounds...
and the buIIdozer
going over the top of them...
and Ieaving them haIf aIive
in the garbage dumps...
brought me back to that, and I
thought, ''We're going to beat this.''
And this is part of the inspiration...
of getting our IittIe pets...
out of these pIaces and into a cemetery.
Something that
we couId be proud of saying:
''My IittIe pet has done his chore here.
''That God has sent him to us to do
a chore: Love and be Ioved...
''and serve his master.'' And, boy,
these IittIe pets have done that.
And not Iet them go into the bases
of the Iiving heII.
Like I said before, ''Death is for
the Iiving and not for the dead.''
Sing, baby.