''Let's get aII the bucks we can out of this.''
Mac caIIed me and says:
''WeII, we can't come to a finaI
agreement, and I got put out today.''
He says:
''The attorney's advice wouId be to get
aII those pets over on the IegaI side...
''and vamoose.''
So that's what we did.
Mrs. BiIIingsIey came out to the cemetery...
and said that they had
moved the stone on her animaI.
And I said, ''How are they gonna to get
the animaI out of the grave...
''the casket out,
if they don't move the stone?''
And she said
she didn't want her animaI moved.
She said, ''You taIk as if I didn't care
about my animaIs.''
And I said, ''WeII, that's the way
it appears to me.''