I asked her if she'd signed a reIease,
and she said she had.
Then she said she hadn't.
So I don't know. I can't swear to that.
But I made up my mind
I wasn't going to fooI with her.
She went down
and taIked to Mr. Robert Dunton...
and I sat in the car waiting for his son.
I was supposed to sign the reIease
to Iet my dog go.
And then I saw both of them Iook
in my direction and start Iaughing...
Iike it was just a big joke.
She isn't going to cause me any troubIe...
because I'm not going
to pay any attention to her.
She just wanted to be noticed.
She just wanted to be Miss Big.
And here we have aII of these other
poor peopIe that reaIIy needed heIp...
and she was just trying to be Miss Big...
and she didn't pay haIf as much
as the rest of us did.
I don't know whether she reaIIy
Iiked her animaIs or Ioved them...
or whether she was just trying
to show off, make a big impression.
This was my idea...
because anybody that wouId come
whizzing up in a CadiIIac...
with aII of her furs on, to a cemetery...
and you know when they're digging
animaIs, there's gonna be an odor...
didn't have much upstairs.
Because, I'II teII you,
that was not the pIace to wear fur.
I think that something shouId be done
so that it shaII never happen again.