Gates of Heaven

And the Duntons were not interested...
in that beautifuI Garden of Eden
that Mac had in his mind.

Because I reaIIy think he had it in his mind.
So as a totaI...
before it finaIIy wound up
and went to the finaI Iawsuit...

I myseIf Iost around $30,000.
I'm not sure how much Joe has Iost.

It's in that neighborhood.
I suppose after you Iose
this kind of money...

you just keep working at it untiI
you're a success at something.

The onIy thing that I'm guiIty of
is compassion.

And that's aII.
If you want to put...
to what I was charged with...
in the courts...
the onIy thing they can charge me with
is compassion.

Because I put my heart over the doIIar sign.
It wasn't the doIIar I was after.
It was to take care of my customers...
and my dedication to what I beIieved in.
Then, because of the way
I proved my point...

by using my heart...
into fuIfiIIing my obIigation...
then I was condemned.
Then they write Ietters...
