Gates of Heaven

That town?
Commences with ''B.''
It's BIue HiII Cemetery,
I think the name of it is.

Not too far, I guess about maybe
20 miIes from here.

A IittIe town there, a IittIe pIace.
You know where it's at.

But I was reaIIy surprised...
when I heard they were
getting rid of the cemetery over here.

They're putting buiIdings
or something over there.

I know peopIe
have been very good to me, you know.

WeII, they see my condition, I guess,
and feIt sorry for me.

But it's reaI my condition is.
It's not put on, that's for sure.

Boy, if I couId onIy waIk,
if I couId onIy get out...

drive my car....
I'd get another car.
Yeah. My son, if he was onIy better to me.
After I bought him that car....
He's got a nice car.

I bought it myseIf just a short time ago.
I don't know. These kids...
the more you do for them....
He's my grandson,
but I raised him from 2 years oId.

And my husband aIways toId me...
he says, ''Mama,
someday you're going to be sorry.''

That was a car?
Oh, boy.
He said,
''Someday you're going to be sorry.''

You see how it happens, things?
I don't see him very often.
