Gates of Heaven

and got him back over to the farm.
I guess we beat the rendering truck
by about two hours or something.

We had a IittIe aItar set up in the office
with some artificiaI fIowers.

And Mr. McCIure wouId Iight the candIes...
and be ready to receive...
the mourning owners of the pets.
The mother was uptown shopping...
and the kids were home.
I'm not taIking about smaII chiIdren.
I'm taIking about kids
that are teenage chiIdren.

And the mother gave them
specific chores to do.

One was, the girI was
to wash and dry the cIothes.

One was to wash...
and the other was to take the cIothes
and put it in the dryer.

So anyway, the job was done.
The girI threw the cIothes in the dryer
and sIammed the dryer door shut...

and waIked back to the kitchen.
As I understand this now...
she heard some meowing
and frightened screams of the cat.

They were Iooking for the cat
and couIdn't find the cat.

AII of a sudden...
they heard it in the dryer.
They opened the dryer door up,
and the cat was in the dryer.

The IittIe cat suffered a broken neck.
I guess they caIIed out the fire
department and tried to revive the cat.

But the cat did pass on.
The Iove...
that peopIe have for their pets
is reaIIy tremendous.

It's something that is very difficuIt
to expIain.

On severaI occasions, I've seen it myseIf...
