Gates of Heaven

But human beings cannot be this way.
We didn't get an agreement,
which is our fauIt, in writing.

And it just kept getting invoIved
and more invoIved.

And since there was no
finaI agreement, then we started...

to differ on ideas,
and get into a few arguments.

A pet cemetery business
is not a fast-buck scheme.

It's not a suede-shoe game.
It's a good, soIid business enterprise.
And in order to have this concept...
it has to be in your heart
and not in your biIIfoId.

And these are the type of peopIe
I wanted in business with me...

in the pet cemetery concept.
The reason, unfortunateIy,
why we didn't continue on...

with the entire deveIopment
of the pet cemetery was...

we couIdn't actuaIIy work it out
with our investors...

that we couId project exactIy
what the income wouId be for it.

Because we had no way of projecting
the amount of peopIe...

that wouId want to put their pets
into a cemetery...

even though we feIt
that there was a great need for it.

So after severaI weeks
and severaI months, we decided...

it wouId be better to turn it back
to the originaI owners...

which was Mr. Dunton and his famiIy.
I was toId...
that Duntons trying to get themseIves
invoIved in some sort of goId venture...
