May you touch my what?
Your hair. You like me?
How could I resist you?
A body like yours,
its a pleasure to lie in bed with you.
Do you love me?
- No, I don't even know you.
- Do you think?
What is that supposed to mean?
I don't know.
When you get older, you get tougher.
But you won't have to be scared.
Because every time theres noise
you have to be scared.
I'm not scared.
Not even of nightmares?
No, nothing.
- No dreams at all?
- No.
What do you do,
just close your eyes and black?
What is this getting to be?
You trying to embarrass me, or what?
No, I'm trying to tell you something.
I'm trying to.
Have you ever been in love?
Forget it. I outweigh you 60 pounds.
Now leave me alone.
Whats the matter now?
Whats the matter with you?
I'm sorry I kep't you awake last night.
Your fathers book is very interesting.
I think we ought to burn it.
Youre so stupid sometimes.
Okay, its your book.
I know its my book.
So what are we going to do?