Ah Dooh? Here so early!
Eat whatever you want. I'm paying.
Bold Cheung, you're bold
by name and bold by nature.
That's very true!
Everyone here knows I'm no coward!
I don't think you're that wonderful.
You're just a show-off!
I know this Western game
which foreigners are scared of.
It even scares foreigners?
Tell me how to play it.
It's called Peel-Apple.
You only need...
I thought it was something new.
- He's not done yet, let him finish.
- OK, carry on.
At midnight, you get an apple,
then you light a candle
and look in the mirror.
You have to peel the apple in one go,
without breaking the skin.
- Once you have finished...
- What happens?
...you'll get whatever you want.
- Are you serious?
What happens if it breaks?
If that happens, you'll experience
something really terrifying.
- And what's more...
- Bullshit! I don't believe it.
Is that so?
Are you brave enough to have a go?
Sure, as long as one of you
buys my breakfast.
OK, I'll pay for your breakfast
tomorrow. Come to my place tonight.
OK, help yourself.
Someone else is paying.
Waitress, one more setting here.
There's a free breakfast tomorrow.
Don't forget to come.