Yeah, it would ruin your reputation.
- Be smart. I won't forget you.
- OK.
I really don't get it, Mr Tam.
You're so wealthy.
You can have any girl you want.
Is it worth all this trouble?
But I'm a squire, and in my
position I have to be discreet.
And besides, I love the danger of it.
I know what you mean.
Here we are.
Careful, Mr Tam.
I'll be back to get you
once the incense is finished.
Mr Tam, this way.
This sweet tofu is so good.
A bowl of tofu, please!
- No problem. You're late today.
- I was with Mr Tam.
Hurry up!
The boss is waiting for you.
Thanks, Uncle Fok.
- Thanks.
- Hurry up.
I'm surprised so many of you young
people are doing thatjob.
- What's wrong with it?
- It's easy and we get lots of tips.
- Yeah.
- You get lots of tips.
- Let me tell you a story.
- Great!
- Hey, woman!
- What do you want?
Go and buy me some sugar.
- And what if I eat it coming home?
- I don't care. Just go.
Years ago there was this guy
who had a similarjob to yours.
He had a cart with him,
and went to work every day.
He had a very good life.
While you guys would be here
having lunch,
he would be off
flirting with the ladies.
But one day, he left work early.
He got back home and noticed...
- Guess what his wife was doing?
- What?
- What was she doing?
- Making love.
So he quit his job,
and together with his wife
he started selling sweet tofu.