I hope not.
- I'm still worried.
- My lord, you mean...?
Get rid of Cheung!
But it has to be a clean job,
otherwise we might end up
in big trouble.
Don't forget Cheung's kung fu
is very good.
That's right.
A friend of mine knows witchcraft.
- Witchcraft?
- Yes, that's it.
Does it work?
If it didn't,
it wouldn't be so popular here.
- What's his name?
- Chin Hoi.
He'll do anything for money.
Master Chin, the deal...
- I've thought it over.
- So?
I'll do it.
- But...
- But what?
I'll need to set up an altar
at your place.
- Really?
- It's for your own safety.
I'll leave everything to you.
"Master Chin's Residence"
Come in.
Hi, brother.
This is Mr Lau - my colleague.
- I'd better be going now.
- This way.
What can I do for you?
There's this rich man who feels
threatened by someone.
And he wants to be rid
of this person.
Kill him?
No need to get our hands dirty,
all we need is an altar.
But our skills are for saving lives.
We've saved so many lives,
it's no harm to take just one.
Remember the rules of our sect.
One, you must not be greedy.
Two, you must not kill.
Three, you must not insult our god.
- Four...
- You must not behave badly.