Bold Cheung.
Bold Cheung.
'He must be dead! '
Bold Cheung.
Let's have one more wager.
What about 50 taels
for spending another night there?
- 50 taels?
- That's right. 50 taels!
Great, it's a deal.
You said it.
Come back!
I'm doomed. I'm going to die tonight.
That's it.
It depends on your wit and luck.
- What do you mean?
- When are you going to meet them?
- At 6:00pm.
- What time is it now?
- 4:00pm.
- There's still time.
Go and get fifty eggs,
four dog's legs and some dog's blood.
- Right.
- They must be chicken eggs.
Hello... Fifty eggs, please.
I'll be right back.
- Fifty?
- Chicken eggs.
- OK. You can pick them up later.
- Thanks.
Oh, no. I haven't got fifty.
"Duck Eggs"
Now, I have fifty.
- Are they ready?
- They're ready. Thanks.