Attention, please. The Sun Princess
will be embarking in 20 minutes.
- We blew it.
- The car's on the ship.
- The boy's on the ship.
- That thing's going to Rio.
Its first stop is Panama.
We'll be waiting there for it.
The booty was taken aboard
the man of war,
and the enemy vessel scuttled.
The women
were then turned over to the crew,
the select ones
going to the officers, naturally.
The wenches were escorted below,
and believe me, there was no poetry,
or "by your leave,"
or "how lovely you look tonight".
One got to the matter at hand
in short order.
Each captive seaman was then given
100 lashes with the cat,
- spread-eagled on the rigging.
- My dear Captain Blythe.
They didn't last long
in those latitudes, I can tell you.
In no time at all, they were bloated
carrion for the birds of prey.
Do have some of
the green turtle soup, Mrs. Purkiss.
It's the chef's specialty.
Well, they'd no sooner
broken out the grog,
when the entire Spanish Armada
was closing on them.
- Everything looks so tempting.
- Yes, doesn't it?
They were met with fierce resistance
as they clambered aboard.
It was parry and thrust.
Thrust and parry!
- Oh, permit me.
- Thank you.
Anyone else?