when he will be turned over
to the port authorities
and returned to his native country.
In the meantime,
your automobile will be impounded
until your obligations are met.
I do hope you've been enjoying
the cruise so far.
Remember we have a shuffleboard
tournament on main deck at four bells.
And disco lessons
in the lounge at six bells.
Thanks, anyway.
Maybe we can write the Captain
an IOU and pay him out of our winnings.
There's no way we can raise
that kind of money.
Maybe we should chalk it up to experience
and work our way home.
- Maybe Aunt Louise'll bail us.
- You are a beautiful dreamer, DJ.
Wait a minute. She says she likes cars.
And she's trying
to get her niece hooked up.
- No.
- Wait a minute.
All you gotta do is keep the Doc
enthralled with tales of derring-do
while I initiate Aunt Louise
into the delights of Formula One racing.
- I don't like it.
- Come on. Nothing good comes easy.
Lots of charm. Lots of charm.
This is an exact replica,
down to the very last button,
of the uniform worn by Lord Nelson
when he defeated the Spanish Armada.
- Seems like it belongs on me, doesn't it?
- I love a uniform.
It gives a man a certain...
- At ease, madam.
- Captain!
Excuse me, I must circulate
among the cargo... passengers.
Anyway, like I was saying,
it's the absolute thrill of a lifetime