But, Captain, how can a car
release a boy with a key? Explain that.
I can't explain that any more than
I can explain the Bermuda Triangle.
- Nor do I intend to try.
- I am the sponsor of that little car.
It's going to win
the Brazil Gran Premio.
If you can bring that off, madam,
I will not only part the Red Sea,
I will tint it magenta!
Captain, I appeal to you as a woman.
A desperate, helpless,
single woman.
Spare that car.
Lorelei and all of her sirens
could not make me veer one degree.
My course is set!
Ship's company.
Stand to, to witness punishment.
Sir. Some of the passengers
might not understand.
I am simply abiding
by the traditions of the sea,
Chief Steward!
By the powers vested in me
as the captain of this ship,
I hereby deem this vehicle a menace
to life and limb and the very safety
of the vessel itself.
I herewith commit it to the sea,
and a fate well deserved.
Doff hats.
Do your duty.