You too?
Bag and baggage.
Anyone remotely associated with
that little car is being put ashore.
If it wasn't for that steward,
we'd have been keelhauled.
I'm sorry it turned out like this.
If I decided to get out of needlepoint
and into racing, it was my choice.
Actually, there's more to it than that.
Steady. Steady.
We needed backing,
so DJ pitched you on the car,
while I...
Pitched my niece on the fantail.
I've got too much mileage on me
not to recognize an operation
when I see one.
You...? You mean you knew that?
I was hoping that something might
happen between you and Melissa.
She's really a wonderful girl.
That's just it.
She's terrific, but...
A little klutzy
for someone like yourself.
Not everybody's made for each other.
I really like her,
and I don't want her to get hurt.
I planned to tell her, but maybe
you could smooth things over.
- Here's your bag, miss.
- Thank you.
Melissa, there you are.
I was looking...
You meet such interesting types
on ships.
Sorry, boys.