
Shut up. Do as you are told.
You cannot treat me like this.
Come, come.
There is a good reason.
We must keep the lord's death a secret,
as he wished.

What do you mean?
We must pretend he is alive.
But these three know.
Those who were close to him should know.
l was intending to tell you, too.
l want you to keep this role.
Not any more. l cannot.
- Do not be obstinate.
- lt is not that.

The lord is dead.
l have no duty to anyone else.

Listen. He wanted to hide his death.
Because he wanted to live with us
for three more years.

lf you have any duty toward him it is now.
Perhaps you are right,
but l had been thinking he was alive.

Then l found him dead.
Suddenly, it all seemed stupid!
Hopeless. We cannot use him.
There is no other way.
Only he can deceive everyone.

lf you refuse to act as the lord, you will die.
