Ko to tamo peva

Last time I missed audition
because of them.

Listen, tell them that they
must respect the time table!

If they said that they depart
at 5, it must be at 5! Right!

Not a minute more!
It's none of my business.
Excuse me, how much there is
'till the next bus stop?

What next stop?
I mean, if I go now, when
will I get to the next stop?

Man, you are crazy!
THIS is a bus stop!

The next stop is behind that
wood. I guess around 5 km.

I can't wait, who knows
when will the bus.

And maybe I catch something.

Is it serious?
Tuberculosis, isn't it?!
They don't know
what it is -

But it seems there
is no cure for me.

You are young,
you will make it.

That's what makes me sad,
I am so to say in best years.

You have at least
had enough of life.

So I can die?!
I didn't mean it that way.
You rascal, God damn you!
Get away from me!
