Daddy, look!
Like man with no legs and arms!
Take that rifle away!
- Don't worry, the gun is secured.
Daddy, tyre!
Excuse me, accident,
it was empty!
- I didn't mean it...!
OUT! -But really, I didn't
mean it... - OUT!
And if I haven't pushed the
barrel away, he would have
blown my head apart! -God, are
we going to get there alive?!
If from nothing else,
I will die of hunger.
I'm hungry, too!
Listen, first offer the worst meat,
bones and so, and then the rest.
For god's sake, people,
what is this?!
How much more are we
going to stop and wait?
I must be in Belgrade for audition
at last at five!
Barbarians! This is outrageous!
- Could you explain us what we wait now?