Because that's what it boils down to.
No, not at all.
I fell for a guy who has no money.
I do, so I pay.
Better a poor guy who fucks me well
than a rich loser.
What if he had any ambitions?
If he had to work, would he
still fuck you as often?
No, that's true.
But I like it that
he's always available.
Are you never bored?
I'm never bored, just like
when I was with you.
What do you talk about?
Not about books.
I read, but I don't
need to talk about it.
And I can do without books,
but not without people.
I'm not here to make a scene...
...but because I felt lonely
and wanted to see you.
Alright then.
I'm beat.
- You can sleep there.
I'll sleep in the little room.
I'll give you clean sheets.
- Never mind. It's not worth it.
But there might be
semen stains.
Come on,
what do I care?
So you don't care about my life?
Ok, I'll go to sleep.
- Sleep well.
You do have a sense of humour.