Remember the contract?
Maybe there's some connection...
between control
and lack of feeling.
I said I feel things.
Come on.
Sometimes. I don't know.
I thought you didn't
like fooling around.
What do you want?
Don't say. "I don't know."
Should I make up answers?
Make one up about
there's no feelings there.
I have feelings.
Get it together. Jarrett.
You're trying to make me mad.
Are you mad?
You don't like being pushed.
Do something about it!
No. I can't do this.
Why not?
Getting mad takes too much energy.
It takes more holding it back.
When I let myself feel.
I feel lousy.
# I never promised you
a rose garden #
Fuck you. Berger.
Fuck you.
That's it.
What do you feel?
Do you jack off?
What do you think?
You married a fat lady...
and you fuck
the daylights out of her!
Sounds good to me.
Little advice
about feeling...
Don't expect it always to tickle.
Do you know how
to aim that?
Be quiet. I have to concentrate.
Be quiet.
Is it in focus?
Smile. Smile.
Okay. Good.
I want to take
the three young ones.
Dad. Get out of there.
All right.
Be quiet.
Conrad. Where are you?
Between your mother and father.