Raging Bull

Jake La Motta.
Give me a piece of ice.
Just a sliver.

- No water.
- I'm dyin'. Fuckin' hard-on.

Four pounds. Keep workin'.
Cut the bullshit.

I saw the Janiro fight.
He destroyed this guy.

He knocked his nose
from one side to the other.

- Who are you fightin' next?
- I don't know.

- He'll get that title shot.
- Jackie Curtie. You know him.

- A pleasure.
- We'll get the title shot.

- Made some money off Jake.
- More than he did.

Made money on the Jackson fight.
- Whatever happened to Oscar?
- He's punchy. Probably died.

- Make yourselves comfortable.
- Beautiful table.

He's complaining?
Beautiful table.

He's working
an elevator downtown.

I'm not Italian.
- Took me right up.
- Oscar did you a lot of good.

- Mickey! Cutty Sarks and water.
- Excuse me one minute.

Come back, Joey. Come on back.
Something's happening.
- They're having a problem.
- Worried about it? Don't worry.
