You've never heard of Blues?
You really lead a shut life out here,
don't you?
l chose to be here.
Here. ln case you choose
to try one.
-One thing l envy him.
-What's that?
He's breathed. l mean, we lead
a shut life here.
lt must be really something
to go outside and breathe.
When l was last there, if you went
outside and breathed,
the pollution count was liable
to rust your tubes.
What do you think of him?
-The Captain.
-l don't know.
-He's funny.
l must have missed his best lines.
What are the Blues?
Blue Dreamers.
Where did you get that?
From him.
He had no business
giving you this.
What do they do?
When they send
someone out alone,
they give him some of these
to keep him from going static.
Did you ever take one?
Blue Dreamers?
Did you?
Years ago.
What was it like?
You heard me.
Let's try one.
-Come on.
After he goes.