Shao Lin ta peng hsiao tzu

I'll break your legs
Don't fight anymore
Chuan Min,
you cant' even beat the women

We'll beat you! Goddamn Manchurian
Cut it out...
All right, chief
We'll follow his orders
And take the pay cut
Now go back to work
Ah Chao
Are you alright?
Chief Ma recruited some Manchurians
And made us take a pay cut
They are violent and looking for fights
They must've planned it before, Shih Seng
Uncle Li, you've been here for a long time
We have been earning a lot for him
You're the color specialist in Chiang Tai
The raw materials are worse than before
I knew it would not work
All right,
we should go to talk to the boss

It's no use fighting against Manchurians
The boss himself hired them
Well...Mr. Li
Can we go to the court?
That's worse; let me tell you why
Boss holds influence in their court
Can't sue him and get beaten up
if we don't work

If we work we receive less money
Who knows how much they'll deduct later!
Why do we even bother coming to work?
How I wish that we knew some Kung Fu
Ah Chao
We'd fight them if we knew how
