Shao Lin ta peng hsiao tzu

Please forgive me
It's very difficult
to get water with a rock

I will not try it again
Merciful Buddha
Chou Jen Chieh
You sneaked into Shaolin Temple
I knew it from the start
Did you?
Then it's time to go, I guess
Wait a second!
I thought you wanted me out
No. You can stay
Thank you, Master
You're not going to be my pupil
You've been living here for a long time
You should help Shaolin in return
All right. I'll try my best
We renovate the temple every 1 0 years
You're in charge of scaffolding
Do you mean all by myself?
That's right
You'll scaffold every single building
You can do it alone
It's a very big temple. Abbot
When will I finish it?
What is your answer anyway?
There's no way I can accomplish it
Absolutely not
All right. I'll do it
