Are you scared of the cross?
Are you OK, Sergeant?
The Sergeant is fine. Attack!
Are you going, Sergeant?
- Give me a sword.
- You've had all of them.
It's not going well.
You stay here and I'll get Sam Kung.
You stay here and I'll get Sam Kung.
You go to the station
and I'll go to his house.
Sam Kung, open up!
Sam Kung, open up!
Fourth Brother, is Sam Kung here?
Hey, Fourth Brother!
Answer him, will you?
You're not deaf.
What is the matter?
Me and my colleagues have arrested
the White Fan.
The White Fan?
Yes. So I've come for Sam Kung
so he can get a statement from him.
My father is already at
the police station.
What? Sam Kung is not here!
Oh, no.
Who's going to take the statement?
It's only a statement,
as you've arrested him,
take him back to the police station.
But he won't come with us.
- Let me help you out.
- How? The fight's over.
They don't need you to fight.
There'll be a sequel when I arrive.
Let's get going.
Wait until Dad finds out.
If you don't tell him,
he won't find out.