# ...pay attention to the slender young guy
in white. That's number 8, Rien Hartman. #
Here's your kroket. Warm.
Wow, nice prize.
Did you win it?
Don't be funny,
I found it in a ditch somewhere...
Well, the champion gets to choose,
it's on the house.
No way, we'll pay for it.
Mind your own business.
It happens to be my business.
I'll have some fries and a salad.
I'll have a kroket.
One salad...
What about you?
I'll have two fried dicks
and a bear's cock.
You're so funny!
What a joker!
Hey, pay up!
-That's a good one!
-Pay for what? We didn't get anything.
We're not going to pay for your crap.
See you later!
Hey fellas, don't be jackasses.
Just pay up now.
Assholes, give me the money!
Just back off...or we'll do something different...
like this!
(makes chicken noises)
Grab him! Grab him!
Stand back,
I'll throw this all over him!
Now give me the money, damnit!
Pay up, I'm not going to let you screw up
what little I have.
Let's have it.
Go on, give me the money,
you son of a bitch.
You too.
Pay up.
-Here you go.
(announcer) # ...and here's the man you all
came to see. Gerrit Witkamp... #
-Jaap! ok! # -...Gerrit Witkamp,
the national champion... #
-Hey, Witkamp is going to race!
-Let's hurry to the track guys!
I'll get you.
Asshole. *#@&
That girl has guts,
she made them pay.