-Well, cheerio...
Goes down like the word
of God in an elder.
-Hey, champion.
It's you. I didn't recognize you
with that silly cap on.
-I'll have some vieux.
He'll be champion sometime.
Famous, like Witkamp.
-Give it a rest old timer.
-And if he doesn't, no problem...
...He can take over my business
anytime he likes.
Maybe in twenty years time.
It's a nice place,
just needs to be modernized a little.
Like one of those disco bars,
you mean. Don't think so.
For your trophy collection.
A reminder of when we first met,
you helped me.
It's the brick...
I'm glad you like it.
It's not even the same brick,
the other one was yellow.
Is that so?
Maybe it's his brother.
I have to get back to work.
I'll see you around.
-Shove off!
-Out of the way!
I'd like not one, not two...