-So much for our customers.
-I'm going to take a look.
(announcer) # He's in first place
and there's only one Gran Prix left. #
# He doesn't even have to win it,
second or third place is enough. #
# So we can agree about one thing... #
# ...Gerrit Witkamp will be
world champion soon. #
# The TV station wants
to make a big event of it... #
# ...with a parade into town.
We want all of you to participate. #
# We need all of you,
with your bikes... #
# ...and of course we'll need hot chicks too.
'cause hot chicks will do well on TV.#
# Especially if they're as
good-looking as you are. #
-Hey, what do you think you're doing!
-You're already sold?
-To him.
-That's right.
# That's what I thought.
So, everyone is in? #
# It will be shown on Studio Sport,
four million viewers! #
-Four million viewers!
-We'll be on television!
-Ok, we're in!
-Yeah we'll do it!
# We'll discuss the details later,
alright? #
So Mr. Henkhof,
how much will you be paying us?
-Nothing. You'll get free publicity.
-Once more?
I said: nothing.
It's free publicity for you guys.
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
-Do you belong to this biking club?
-She's not a part of it.
The boys have expenses,
you'll have to compensate them.
-Makes sense, right?
-Okay, I'll pay for the gas, ok?
-And the rest of it...
You want a fun show, don't you?
Without us you have nothing.
No cash, no motorclub,
Is that right guys?
-How much did you have in mind?
-Five grand.
That's too much,
half of that is enough.
Okay, 2500.
Do we take it?!
Do we get it now?
1500 now, the rest
after the show. Who?
Here you go.
Wow, 1500 guilders guys.
Thanks Fien!