...hand it over, those are my fries...
...they'll never find them.
-...but the police are on it, right?
-The police never do anything.
-...bad luck for Rien, huh?
-It's over.
His dad is devastated.
He's crying all day.
-Fien, help me!
-I've never seen my dad do that.
Just a moment.
-Hi. -Hi.
Sucks for Rien, doesn't it?
Once he's allowed visitors,
will you come along?
I can't stand hospitals,
they freak me out.
-What about you?
-I think you should go first, he'd like it.
-Okay, whatever...
-Ladies and gentlemen, all to the bus!
-She's great, isn't she.
-She's coping well.
-Do you think they will be staying here for a while?
-I think so. It's a good enough spot.
Hans, are you coming?
Can I come along?
There's nothing to do around here.
-Here you go, dad.
-Maybe I can get with her now?
-Don't even think about it. I have a better chance.
-She likes blondes...
-Are you nuts...?
The only way to get with her
is if you have a wad of cash.
-Don't talk crap.
-It's not crap!
How do you think she and Rien
got together? The money.