...l also saw you take off the dress
and throw it in the trash bin.
Let me get this right...
You kill me.
-You think I was a terrific Juliet--
-You were!
Thanks. And you think that I stole
a dress, and then threw it away!
-You think I have nothing on under this?
I know that you don't.
-More wine, sir?
-What is this stuff?
-Domestic '65. Hot, isn't it?
-Was that a good year?
-The best ever.
-It's a bitch.
-What did you say?
-I didn't say nothing, ma'am.
-I'm feeling something very strange.
-That's my leg.
Oh, that's all right.
Hit him again, Harry.
Yes, ma'am.
Hitting you again, Father.
You know, I've never
felt like this before.
You know, I'm.... I'm....
-Which reminds me.
There's something I always wanted to
ask someone like you. Do you get much?
Not too often.
Just an occasional glass at dinner.
That's not what she meant.