And then head for Hollywood.
That's the place for us. Picture it.
Harry and Skip in the Sunbelt.
In the Sunbelt, you just smile
and they pour money out on you.
And the women. Oh, God, the women.
Natural, robust, open, carefree...
...uninhibited, healthy.
-Talk some more.
-You can talk shit.
-Okay, picture this.
You and me, and two girls.
Romping through the desert.
Splashing into the ocean.
And the moonlight is out.
We glimpse their bodies
when the moonlight hits their breasts.
We watch those breasts
bounce gently to and fro.
-In the sand?
-After the water, we go in the sand.
-We have a blanket.
-You serious?
-That's what I'm trying to say.
-Let's go!
Okay! California, here I come!
Harry, what's the matter?
-1 50 bucks?
-1 50?
That'll put a dent in our bankroll.
Don't worry.
Jobs shouldn't be hard to find here.