Oh, you'll save money
Knock on wood
When you do what
A good woodpecker should
Save for a horse
Or a brand-new ranch
When you flock to the
Glenboro Savings branch
You can feather your nest
With frills
Fill your garage
With Coup de Villes
Just relax if you have a big bill
Are you really a woodpecker?
No, I'm just a man pretending
to be a woodpecker.
That's a real woodpecker.
Be a smart bird too
You little pecker, you
You gotta admit, for an interim gig,
this really wasn't bad.
Oh, you'll save money
Knock on wood
You'll save money
Knock on wood
When you do what
A good woodpecker should
Save for a horse
Or a brand-new ranch
When you flock to the
Glenboro Savings--
Get down on the floor.
Stay where you are
and nobody gets hurt.