That's right, that's right, we bad.
That's right. We don't want
no shit, either. That's right.
Darn right.
We don't want no shit, you understand?
We don't take too much shit.
We take a little, but no monster shit.
Damn right!
-That's right. Say, " No shit."
-No shit!
That's right, no shit. No.
Try it again.
-We don't take no shit.
-No shit.
No shit.
-And we ain't shitting.
-You better believe it, baby.
What the hell's wrong with him?
Oh, shit. Skip?
Skip, come on, man.
Come on.
Carry me back to old Virginia, Lord.
Did you get it?
Oh. There it is.
Right on the end of your nose.