Don't worry. I'm no brown-noser.
Everybody knows that.
Why don't you hear the man out?
If you ride in the Top Hand event,
there's a good chance we can bust out.
You know what I mean?
-Is he talking about a jailbreak--?
-You bet your ass.
-What about our appeal?
-Appeal? Rory, tell him about appeals.
The day I met you and Sweetpants was
my fifth appeal hearing in six years.
Turned me down.
Do you want to spend 30 years in here?
I couldn't take it.
And I know you can't.
We gotta get out of here.
Hello, operator, get me Warden Sampson
at Doerin Prison, please. Thank you.
Hello, Wally.
How's your team look this year?
Not too bad. We might
give you a race this year.
Is that right?
You got some new blood?
Something like that.
Seeing as how you're in
such good shape...
...you want to put some real
money down?
Well, I realize that $50,000...
...ain't much these days, but it might
stimulate a little interest.
Henry, one way or another,
I'm gonna cover that bet.
What do you want me to do?