Tom Horn

Hey, Tom. How you feeling?
We're plugging along.
I'm giving a little party at the house.
I'd like you to meet everybody.

- I'm kind of raggedy.
- Nobody'll mind.

Most of the Association will be there,
and they're all anxious to meet you.

Pipe down.
Ladies and gentlemen,
in this age of quarter-section pastures...

and tinhorn legislators
who is riding our old trails...

it's a real pleasure to welcome
a vestige of that heroic era...

that we just about lost.
Standing beside me, right here...
is the legendary tracker and interpreter
of the Apache wars...

Tom Horn.
You're welcome, sir.
Tom, this is Arlo Chance.
- Tom.
- Ora Haley.

- lan MacGregor.
- Proud to meet you.

What's the matter, Tom?
- What is it?
- It's a lobster.

I'll be darned.
I've never eaten a bug that big before.

That's a Maine lobster.
Broiled alive, packaged in seaweed...

and shipped out here by train.
At every station, the conductor drains
the melted seawater off of them.
