I'm just the auctioneer, sir.
The bill of sale's been sworn to.
Well, whoever swore to it...
was a liar and a cow thief.
Those cows belong to John Coble
of the Wood River Cattle Company.
Who the hell are you?
Stock detective.
What's a stock detective?
You may call yourself
some kind of stock detective...
but I'm a deputy sheriff,
and I'm the law here.
Lock these men up. I'll file the charges.
Nobody's going to jail,
unless you start some trouble.
I see.
I'll tell you what, Horn. I'm gonna kill you.
You ain't gonna kill nobody.
If he don't, I will.
- Your damn charges ain't gonna stick.
- lf the charges don't stick...
I'll just take it between us
as who gets who first.
That's how it's gonna be, then.
There won't be no more cows stolen.
Not from
the Wood River Cattle Company...
the Bar-Three Cattle Company,
or the Haley Cattle Company.
Consider that my last word on the matter.
Come on, boys, let's have an auction.