Tom Horn

You've spent some time in the hills,
haven't you?

Most of my life, Tom.
- But the world is changing fast.
- I can see that.

And a man had better get with it.
I've been trying to work
a few things out in my mind.

Staying in a hotel and being able
to get a drink right away seems to help.

Think you'll ever get back
in them hills again?

I don't know. Scares me to death.
I see you're carrying a belly gun.
I've never known you to do that before.

Well, carrying a rifle in town and all...
I got this inquiry from Montana...
for a man who could come up there
and see to himself...

and look to a few things that-a-way...
in respect to the cattle stealing going on
in the Big Moon up there in that district.

- What's required?
- Some ability with a rifle.

You know, Joe,
nobody ever offered to give me an office.

- Make you feel kind of special, does it?
- I don't know.

If I had your ability with a rifle...
nobody would ever expect me
to come in out of the field.

As it is, I spend half my time
on the railroad...

handcuffed to some petty criminal,
as just a delivery man.

What's the best shot you ever made, Tom?
I don't know.
What about Mendenhour?
If it was me,
I'd say it wasn't much of a shot.

Wouldn't you rather shoot a Sharps.50
instead of that.45-.60?
