Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not be
a false witness against thy neighbour.
So this is it. Nice place.
Jeez, you can almost smell the narcs.
There's a certain kind of a stink.
You know that stink? Jesus.
- Where's the chamber of horrors?
- Room six. Grab a seat.
First come, first served.
Get smart, Lazlo.
Look, could you just hold this for a second?
Just a second.
I'll see you in court.
Everyone rise.
Be seated.
Jesus, it's happening already.
Kind of close quarters in here, isn't it?
Let's go.
Let's get this thing moving.
Clerk, where are the files?
Come on, we're backed up.
Let's see.
State versus Occupants 223 Coal Street.
Possession, sales marijuana.
623 Paige Street, marijuana.