I'm in control.
Not sure about these people, though.
Is this man an associate of yours?
No, just a...
just a good American like yourself.
May we proceed?
And although, in all fairness,
I must say your legal rights
might have been better protected,
given my willingness and the willingness
of the district attorney.
I feel compelled to sentence you each
to six months in the county jail.
Six months? Why?
You could've cut off their feet.
Once more and you're out of the courtroom.
Clerk, best get moving. Next case.
Nice going, Lazlo.
The People versus William Kramer.
- You want some?
- No, thanks.
Looks like you got a good thing going there.
- So you gave the cop the bag?
- Yeah.
Why? Why didn't you say no?
I don't know.
I guess I thought maybe
nothing would happen to me.
Because, in your mind,
that bag didn't belong to you.
It didn't.
Nevertheless, you were arrested for
possession of one pound of marijuana.
This is your second arrest for possession.
- Yeah.
- How much did you have the first time?
One joint.
One joint. And for this you did time in jail.
- Yeah.
- How long?
18 months.
18 months for one joint.
OK, look, er...
who was it?
What was the name of the guy
who gave you the bag of grass?
I don't think he's gonna tell him.
- He's not.
- The kid's tough.
He is tough, and he's not gonna talk.