- Airplane?
- These people are our brothers.
They got a struggle and I wanna help 'em.
- You should be part of it.
- These are your brothers?
This cheap imitation General Patton
out here?
I oughtta Mace the fucker for that cheap
trouncing he gave his buddy. Fuck you!
It's history, man.
Guns, dope, armed insurrection.
Peasant land seizure.
Dig it.
Ghost riders, anarchist prophets,
fire, blood...
Oh, it's a grand, grand tale, Laz.
It's right up there with Gone With The Wind.
I'm all for dope and goats, nobody's bigger,
but, you know, crazed dope lawyer
turns gun-running revolutionary,
I'm pounding it up in my head
and I think you should take me back
to the hotel and I'll finish the story.
Don't give me this shit,
I'm counting on you.
You gotta write a story. I need your help.
Lazlo, look out there,
these guys are piranhas with guns.
They stop their own.
Hey, guns don't scare me, buddy.
I'm a weapons expert.
Oh, gee, I'm sorry.
Oh, no.
Oh, gee, what a mix-up. Sorry.
Oh, my God. Jeez.
Billy, you wanna turn on the game?
See if there's a score, Bill, yeah.
'Half-time here at Super Bowl VI
with Dallas leading Miami only 10 to 3.
'I say only because the seven-point margin
doesn't tell the dominance of the Cowboys
'through the first 30 minutes.'
'Dallas led by their brilliant quarterback,
'by the brilliant running
of halfback Duane Thomas.'
- 'Hi, Momma! '
- 'Get him outta here! '