Hey... whoa!
Come on! Hunter!
- Come on, man!
- Fascisti swine!
Bastards! Playground strafers!
- This car is a classic!
- ¡Ándale!
Hey! Hey! Thompson!
Red alert! Red alert!
I don't think we'll be doing this again, Lazlo.
Gonzo! Gonzo! Gonzo!
Dr Thompson, where've you been?
We've been waiting for you.
- Come on. Are you OK?
- Quit whining.
- I... I was just...
- You've upset me already,
calling me first thing...
- Holy Jesus.
- No, we're going out there now.
I don't think so.
You've whipped them into a frenzy.
- Only a fool would go in there.
- They really want to see you.
They probably mean business.
This isn't right.
Come on. I think it's gonna be all right.
- You look just fine.
- I know I look great
- but I don't feel too confident.
- Stay right there.
- I'll be right back. Stay right there.
- Well, er...
Gonzo! Gonzo!