Jesus, why do they have to make
so much noise?
Hey, how about shutting up?
A little charity, huh?
Hey, you don't look too good.
- My head feels like it's caving in.
- I had the same thing this morning.
You got some aspirin there?
These are prescription
but they'll take care of your headache.
They won't put me to sleep?
Oh, no.
They'll relax you, though, quite a bit.
- Whoa!
- Jesus, who's flying this thing?
Oh, one of the gang.
One of these people?
Several of us are qualified
but this guy hasn't had much experience.
Listen, I think I'd like one of those,
if that's OK.
Don't tell anybody where you got 'em.
- I'll take two.
- Good, that's what I took.
- Here.
- Ah, thanks.
I never had any complaints
about the blue ones.
Listen to what Thompson's written.
"The candidate,
and his crew of shameless enforcers,
"brought their weird act to Wisconsin,
"passing out free hits of black acid
to anyone who could stick out his tongue."
- Acid?
- "A truly remarkable way
"of getting votes."
Make way! Make way!
Harris from the Post!
Is coming through!
Where is he?
Where is my friend Thompson?