Thompson! Thompson!
It's Harris from the Post!
# Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
# And she's gone
# Lucy in the sky with diamonds!
# Lucy in the sky with diamonds! #
# Lucy in the sky with diamonds! #
Who's this?
Harris from the Post!
It's my turn to fly!
- Oh, jeez.
- Does he have a licence?
He's not instrument rated though.
I don't think he should.
I feel... wonferdul.
You're looking good. OK.
All right, let's go have a cocktail.
All right. Yeah, I told her about you.
We got an emergency here!
Swine, open the door!
I'll be out in a second.
All right, let me have your attention, please.
Keep moving, just listen to me.
The candidate will be speaking at the Loving
Care senior citizens centre at 12:45.
We will reassemble here at 2:30,
takeoff's at three o'clock. Don't get lost.
Once again, the candidate...
...will be speaking at the Loving... Care
senior citi... zens centre...
Excuse me, have you seen Mr Harris
from the Post?
# Lucy in the sky with diamonds #
Mr Harris, what happened?