- So you gave the cop the bag?
- Yeah.
Why? Why didn't you say no?
I don't know.
I guess I thought maybe
nothing would happen to me.
Because, in your mind,
that bag didn't belong to you.
It didn't.
Nevertheless, you were arrested for
possession of one pound of marijuana.
This is your second arrest for possession.
- Yeah.
- How much did you have the first time?
One joint.
One joint. And for this you did time in jail.
- Yeah.
- How long?
18 months.
18 months for one joint.
OK, look, er...
who was it?
What was the name of the guy
who gave you the bag of grass?
I don't think he's gonna tell him.
- He's not.
- The kid's tough.
He is tough, and he's not gonna talk.
Do you know his name, Mr Kramer?
You wanna tell him?
I'm sorry, Judge, the kid's not a squealer.
Take your seat, Mr Kramer.
The court is still in session.
The defence rests.
Will the defendant please rise?
Any person who transports into this state,
sells, furnishes or gives away any marijuana
- shall be punished...
- What's he doing?
- He's reading the fucking law.
...five years to life...
I think you guys should listen.
His honour is reading the sentence.
Fuck off.
- He's your client.
...not less than three years.
Do you understand your sentence,
Mr Kramer?