All right, put him through, but no more
after this. I'm serious, I mean it.
'Marty. I just found out
about an incredible story, a bizarre plot.
'Washington is trying influence the game.'
- Hunter, please.
- 'This could have far-reaching implications.'
- Soviets could be involved.
- 'I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of it.'
I don't know, this could take a few months,
I could run out of money fast.
Besides, I just got here...
- You just got there?
- 'Yeah, minutes ago.'
You left on Tuesday. Today's Saturday.
You too? The same mix-up
happened to me.
I thought it was Tuesday... Saturday,
everybody was here.
Room service!
I'll check on it. Hold on.
Hold on, somebody's here.
Come on in. Where the hell have you been?
You'll be safe here.
I'm on the phone.
- 'I'm still here.'
- Yeah.
I may need some more money.
I'm entertaining in the room and it runs up.
'OK, OK, enough.'
Er, sit, sit, seƱor.