Brownie? Yeah, it's Blackie.
Did the price change?
I didn't sleep a wink since I spoke to you.
'Super Sunday. Dawn.
'My recollections of the last 12 hours
are very dim.
'All that I know for certain is that,
shortly after I checked in,
'two Third Worid drug abusers
dressed as hotel employees
'forced their way into my room, ransacked it,
'drank all my liquor, did all my drugs,
'stole my dinner.
'If security isn't beefed up at this hotel,
I'm looking for safer accommodations.
'It's a sad state of affairs when this reporter
has to go heavily armed to breakfast.'
And what a breakfast it is.
Still alive, still kicking.
Er, could I have another round?
- Of cocktails?
- Everything. Cocktails, food.
Super Sunday, you gotta store up energy.
Could go into sudden death.
Ah. Yeah.
Enjoying myself? I'm in a fucking nuthouse.
Sir, you can't come in here looking like that.
I'm the President of the United States
and I can do anything I want.
Hi, guy.
Brownie, this you wouldn't believe.
All bets off, I'm coming home.
Hi. Sock it to me!
Fellow Americans. Ha-ha-ha.
- Come on, let's get out of here.
- There's one of them.
Oh, boy, Thompson,
you always knew this could happen.
- Well?
- You look good.