Witte, De

Come on, we're going in.
Are you up to your tricks again?
Shall I do it too?
We were learning about
the preparations for the battle
of the Groeninge brook near Kortrijk.

Also known as
the Battle of the Golden Spurs,

because so many Frenchmen fell
with golden spurs on their feet.

Open your books at page 31.
A brook
that flowed through a swampy meadow...

Stand up, all of you.
Hello, master. Hello, boys.
- Hello, Father.

Sit down.
- Glad it's almost holiday time?

Yes, Father.
Lets see what we still know
from our last catechism lesson.

Because catechism is the basic laws...
- Dries, don't move.

I'll give you a pear.
I'll give you two, three.

You there. Curly.
How many works of mercy are there?

Two works,
physical and ritual.

- Spiritual.

Very good. Very good.
You, Whitey.
How many works of charity are there?
